We have been emailing our competitors with updated information several times a month. Some of the items we send out are of lasting interest and are excerpted here for your reference. Click the title for the full note

Return Tracker and Meds
If you are sailing home, plan on attending our pre-departure briefing Saturday August 2.  In addition, you'll want to sign up for two things:
Must Pre-Register to Haul Out at KYC
Hoping to Hoist at KYC?The hoist at KYC may be used for empty boats weighing under 4500 pounds.You must register before the start to get access and a hoist time.
Register for Special Awards
What they are, How to registerCorinthian Award - Best performance by an all-amateur boatMust declare for the award on the boat's Submissions and Certificates tab, ANDEach crew member must accurately complete the
Medical Handbook Download
Did Someone Say Medical? - Must Carry ItemOur medical support team has created a manual to work through medical emergencies and get support.YOU SHOULD HAVE a copy on board. 
Comms Survey
Test your Boat Comms
Register and test your Boat Comms NowWe keep track of our communications to assure compliance with the mandatory check-in. You can test your systems and get registered in our system by sending your boat name as follows:
Event Tickets
PARTY TIMESReminder: Get your tickets here!
Tracker and Med Support for Sailing Home
Sailing Home?If you are sailing home, plan on attending our pre-departure briefing Saturday August 2.  In addition, you'll want to sign up for two things:
Isler Video Recap
A quick video that "breezes" through the high points of Peter Isler's instruments presentation can be found at this link.
Green Checklist Live
 Your checklist/entry form for recognition as a "green" boat is live on the website, You can find it next to your boat's entry page, just under the link to the steering certificate form! 
Retrieve a Data Buoy on the return
Show your awesome retrieval chops by collecting one of the NOAA/OSU drifting buoy hydrophone recorders in August as you leisurely cruise back from Hawaii. There are two buoys and by August they will have collected a year's worth of whale recordings.
Spooner Shirt Discount
Check it out!  Use the code PACCUP2024 for a 15% discount.
Medications List Posted
Pac Cup contracts with George Washington University's Maritime Medical Access program to provide a highly skilled medical consult service for all racers. This service has contributed to the survival of several crew in serious danger.
Where to Submit Things Online
Wondering where to submit things?
Ship your Stuff to or From Hawaii on a Pasha Ship.
Ship your Stuff to or From Hawaii on a Pasha Ship.Save the weight and wear and tear.Reservations here.