Finishing in the warm and welcoming waters of Kaneohe Bay, you'll have triumphed over 2100 miles of (mostly) downwind sailing, brilliant nights, and warm trade winds.

Arriving Crew
Will this be you in 2024?

Submit your entry form below as your first step. We're asking for basic information about you, your crew, and your boat.  We'll follow up with a considerably more detailed form to collect the information we need for the race. Review the Notice of Race on our documents page and jump on in!

The entry fee is $500, plus $25 per foot to be paid later. 

So, what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

Catalina 30? Passport 40? Santa Cruz 50? Mod 70?
How long is your boat?
Please upload a photo of your boat. You can change this later for the race guide.
One file only.
128 MB limit.
Allowed types: png gif jpg jpeg.
To assign inspectors and mentors, we prefer to know where your boat normally "lives."
This is the email that all your race notices will go to.
How many souls do you expect on board?
Desired Division
What yacht clubs are you affiliated with? One per line if more than one.
If you have an ORR certificate, even if expired, please provide your latest ORR Pacific Cup Rating
To help planning, if you have a current PHRF DW rating, please share it.