Join the Club! Or renew your membershipYour membership supports the race, and entitles you to a vote. Your $50 dues carry you through August 31, 2026.
Why become a member of the Pacific Cup Yacht Club?
For the experienced sailor, joining the Pacific Cup Yacht Club brings you into a community of other passionate sailors that seek participation and safety in ocean racing. For newer sailors, PCYC provides a way to gain skills and a network into a community involved in the race. For those who may choose not to sail, but want to contribute to and support the race and the club, membership provides that venue. We will recruit our seminar, entertainment and race volunteers from our membership.
For our current dues of $50 (tax deductible to the member), you will receive a Pacific Cup Yacht Club Membership Card and a club decal. The membership card entitles you to reciprocal access to other yacht clubs, invitations to contribute to PCYC seminars to hone sailing, safety, equipment, navigation, weather forecasting, and ocean communications skills as well as invitations to entertainment events to socialize with others who have a love for sailing and the Race.
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