Boats in the PHRF division will be scored time-on-time using their PHRF-DW ratings, calculated as 500/(PHRF-DW) rounded to four decimal places. For boats that qualify for the Pacific Cup overall by having a certified (weighed) rating, the corrected times will be used for calculating the winner of the Pacific Cup. Competitors are reminded that non-certified ratings are not eligible for the overall Pacific Cup Trophy.

Boats in the Multihull Division will be scored time-on-time using their BAMA rating, calculated as 1.2*OMR. Per the NOR, they are not eligible for the Pacific Cup overall.

Division: Mahina DoubleHanded 1 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Morning Star Valiant 32 Lee Johnson Silver Gate Yacht Club, San Diego, CA, Shoreline Yacht Club, Long Beach, CA, Corinthian Yacht Club, Seattle, WA 0.7289 686 - n
HULA Westsail 32 Darlene Woo Driftwood Key Yacht Club, Sloop Tavern Yacht Club 0.7342 681 - n
Accelerando Moore 24 St Francis, Tahoe, Richmond 0.7752
Nobody's Girl Moore24 Mackenzie Cook Santa Cruz Yacht Club 0.7764 644 - y
WILDER Santa Cruz 27 Ian Sprenger Tacoma Yacht Club, Lake Chelan Sailing Association 0.8013 624 - y
Rum Tum Tugger Beneteau First 10R Kate King Richmond Yacht Club, Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.8078 619 - y
Carodon Custom Heather Richard Crissy Field Yacht Club 0.8210 609 - y

Division: Pasha Doublehanded 2 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Calphurnia Schumacher 28 Jefferson Kise Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club, Camden Yacht Club 0.8039 622 - y
Moonshine Dogpatch 26 David Rogers Sloop Tavern YC, CYC Seattle 0.8117 616 - y
Domino Wilderness 30 Austin & Ashley Book Monterey Peninsula Yacht Club 0.8170 612 - y
Pell Mell Pt Bonita 27 ALEX SIMANIS Sloop Tavern Yacht Club, Richmond Yacht Club 0.8237 607 - y
Bloom County Mancebo 31 Elliott James San Francisco Yacht Club 0.8681 576 - y
Wolfpack Donovan 30 Andrew Hamilton RYC, SCYC 0.8696 575 - y
'io Antrim 27C Hill (Buzz) Blackett III Richmond Yacht Club, Kaneohe Yacht Club 0.9208 543 - y
Outsider Azzura 310 Greg Nelsen Singlehanded Sailing Society, Transpacific Yacht Club 0.9259 540 - y
Little Sur Synergy 1000 Robert Jones Monterey Peninsula YC 0.9488 527 - y

Division: Weems & Plath PHRF 1 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Rägeboge Hallberg Rassy 38 Heinz Baumann Richmond YC, Swiss Cruising Club, Swiss Racing Sailors, Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.7553 662 - y
Vera Cruz Jeanneau 349 Michael Johnson Richmond Yacht Club, Cruising Club of America, Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.7669 652 - y
Azure Cal 40 Rodney Pimentel Encinal Yacht Club, Cruising Club of America 0.7874 635 - y
Green Buffalo Cal 40 Jim Quanci Richmond YC, St. Francis YC, Pacific Cup YC, Singlehanded Sailing Society, Cruising Club of America 0.7886 634 - y
Highlander Cal 40 Bob Horton Tiburon, Cruising Club of America 0.7924 631 - y
Viva Cal 40 Don Jesberg San Francisco Yacht Club, St Francis Yacht Club 0.7937 630 - y
Chinook Cal 39 Mk II Noah Walcutt CYC Seattle, STYC, TTYC 0.7987 626 - y
Chance Wauquiez Centurion 42 Mark Lowry Richmond Yacht Club, Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.8264 605 - y
Cetacea Hudson Force 50 Peter Masson Alameda Yacht Club 0.8375 597 - n

Division: Goslings PHRF 2 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Young Betty Express 27 M. Tony Pohl St Francis YC,, Marin YC, Encinal YC 0.7924 631 - y
Keaka Olson 34 Chris Maher Encinal YC 0.8026 623 - y
Hultaj Figaro One Szymon Kuczynski Zew Oceanu 0.8237 607 - y
Flexi Flyer Soverel 33 Mark Merritt Santa Cruz Yacht Club 0.8432 593 - y
Tweety Olson 30 Robert Schroer Duluth Yacht Club, Barker's Island Yacht Club, Great Lakes SingleHanded Society 0.8503 588 - y
FIASCO OLSON 30 Arthur Hesford Royal Victoria Yacht Club 0.8591 582 - n
Cascade Antrim 27 William Hughes Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.8913 561 - y

Division: Svendsen's Bay Marine PHRF 3 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
the Boss J35 Chad Stenwick WSCYC 0.8264 605 - y
The Fugitive Farr 1220 Benjamin Rummen Vancouver Rowing Club 0.8361 598 - y
Mudshark Express 37 Dante Branciforte Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.8432 593 - y
Story Maker Tartan 101 Mike Mahoney StFYC, RYC 0.8503 588 - n
Energy J105 James Isbester Berkeley Yacht Club 0.8532 586 - y
Blue Flash J-105 Matthew Arno Fort Worth Boat Club 0.8576 583 - y
Jubilant J/112e Ross / Kevin Werner / Wilkinson South Beach Yacht Club 0.8591 582 - y
Joy Ride J 122e John Murkowski Seattle Yacht Club 0.8977 557 - y
Kahoots Andrews 43 Greg Mitchell Richmond Yacht Club, PacCup Yacht Club 0.9058 552 - y
Dogma Olson 40 Mike Little Stockton Sailing Club 0.9074 551 - y

Division: NAOS Yachts PHRF 4 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Second Wind Sabre 426 WK Peter Barnes Richmond Yacht Club 0.8446 592 - y
Imagine Davidson 44 Wyatt Jones Pacific Cup Yacht Club, Hawaii Yacht Club, Berkeley Yacht Club 0.8562 584 - y
Shadowfax JEANNEAU 43 Steven George Alamitos Bay Yacht Club, Transpacific Yacht Club 0.8576 583 - y
Planet Express Beneteau 43 Adam Serediuk Royal Victoria Yacht Club 0.8711 574 - y
Gilligan Hanse 458 Michael Turner Royal Vancouver YC, Royal Victoria YC 0.8945 559 - y
Paikea Jeanneau 49 Sun Odyssey Steve Berl Island Yacht Club, Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.9025 554 - n
Festina Lente Hanse 505 David Rusenko Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.9191 544 - n
Translated 9 US Swan 65 Paul Cayard St Francis Yacht Club 0.9225 543 - y
Med Viking II Jeanneau 519 Bernard Debbasch Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.9346 535 - n

Division: Ocean Navigator ORR 1 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Pendragon Davidson 44 (modified) Edward (Ed) Hoff Pacific Cup Yacht Club 0.9500
Velvet Hammer J125 James Nichols Richmond Yacht Club 1.0135
City Lights Santa Cruz 52 Aaron Wangenheim St. Francis YC 1.0226
J World's Hula Girl Santa Cruz 50 Wayne Zittel San Diego YC, San Francisco YC 1.0371
Halawa Andrews 56 Kimo Winterbottom St. Francis YC, Kaneohe YC 1.0534

Division: Hoku Pa'a Multihull -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Presto Chris White Voyager 48 Joe Dazey PCYC, NWMA, STYC 0.9012
Could Be Worse Simonis Custom Catamaran 53 Quinton Hoole PCYC 0.9732

Division: Ocean Navigator ORR 2 -- starts

Boat Type Skipper Skipper Last Yacht Club(s) Rating PHRF/Certified
Glass Slipper Antrim 40 Cree Partridge BERKELEY 1.0714
Möve Pogo 40 S3 Andrew Rist Sequoia Yacht Club 1.0742
Lucky Duck Rogers 46 Dave MacEwen St Francis YC, San Francisco YC, Cruising Club of America 1.0995
Rage Wylie 70 David Raney Corinthian Yacht Club of Portland 1.2121
Rapid Transit Antrim 49 James Partridge Cabrillo Beach Yacht Club, Los Angeles Yacht Club 1.2149
Saga TP52 John Brynjolfsson SDYC 1.2620