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Ad Seeking Direction Experience My Skills Age Gender
Experienced Sailor for Return Trip
Greg Allen
crew back 3-Ocean Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Navigate, Cook 40s M
Looking to crew
Jonathan Reichhold
crew out, back 5-Multi Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Navigate, Rail Meat 40s M
delivery back
Ray Mccormack
crew back 6-MultiPlus Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Engine Repair, Sail Repair 60s M
New but Eager
Molly Denney
crew, ride out, back 2-Coastal Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder, Sing, Rail Meat 30s F
Available for Return
James Callahan
ride back 6-MultiPlus Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Navigate, Sing, Rail Meat, Sail Repair 40s M
Hawaii racer looking to crew
Evan Kitzmiller
ride out, back 3-Ocean Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Navigate, Cook, Rail Meat 28s M
Experienced Coastal Sailor looking to crew for race to or delivery from
Kekoa Nelson
ride out, back 2-Coastal Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder 28s M
Coastal Sailor looking for Offshore Experience
Marley Salangsang
ride out, back 1-Bay Grinder, Cook, Sing, Rail Meat 28s F
Return trip - Experienced offshore crew
Mark Elgood
crew back 6-MultiPlus Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Navigate, Cook 60s M
Experienced Sailor w/broad skill set looking for ride
Adam Ruscitto
ride out, back 2-Coastal Bow, Spin Trim, Grinder, Helm, Cook, Rail Meat 40s M